Tag: Creativity

  • Time to Write Again!

    My poor blog has been neglected for a few years. And, the last few years? Holy moly. How are you? If I were to summarize, do a “Reader’s Digest” version of the recent years it would look like this: 2018: Wrote short film script: The Rolling Pin 2019: Edited script and it received funding from…

  • Creativity in a Canadian Election…. Our Voices

    I’m not a “political” person. That’s how I see myself. But, what does that actually mean? Does it mean I don’t lie, speak bafflegab, do sly underhanded things to get what I want, manipulate polls, not think about the people I live with, not care for them, not listen, take advantage of the poor (especially…

  • Negative feedback? … Just keep going…

    My Dad once said, “Don’t take no for an answer.” My Mom was equally bold in her advice. It was good. When I decided to audition for “Le Conservatoire d’Art Dramatique”, one of my French teachers rolled her eyes, and exclaimed (en Francais) that she knew French people who had tried to get in and…

  • “Melanie Made Me Do It”…

    I come from an artistic family. I grew up surrounded by pottery and paintings by my father, and fibre artistic works (weaving, knitting, needlework, quilting & more) by my mother. They were always making things. Our cupboards were filled with pottery.  Our floors covered with woven and hooked rugs. I wore handmade sweaters, hats, and…

  • The War of Art…battling resistance

    It’s 2010 and somehow January slipped by in a speed, and in a series of events that left me a negligent blogger. I feel like I’ve left a love one unattended for just way too long. So.. it’s February 1st and I’m not waiting any longer for the right moment, the inspiration, and the long…

  • Scarves for Animals – Helping the PEI Humane Society

    It’s now December 2010 and I am resurrecting a post I did last year regarding some scarves and the PEI Humane Society. A couple new photos and an ongoing plan in time for this seasonal gift giving month! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and all the best… ————————————— This post may seem a bit off topic…

  • The Salmon of Knowledge…

    “A man came to the Village Headman and pleaded for help. ‘I can’t stand it any longer. My life is sheer hell. There’s me, my wife, my children, and my in-laws all living together in a single room. We’re arguing, and complaining, and constantly at each other’s throats. It’s destroying us all.’ ‘I can help…

  • Playing… “Under The Piano”

    Remember those forts you use to build, as kids, in your living rooms, or bedrooms, or outside, using chairs, blankets, and anything that could help to create a cool cave? Worlds far from the one we were in were concocted with no agenda. Just recently, I relived a similar experience. “Under The Piano Sound Spa”…

  • Waiting for… Godot? …The Perfect Moment?

    What a week last week was… Death was roaming around making it’s presence more evident as it cast itself on people the masses knew. It slammed itself onto the innocent who were standing up to injustice. And it also roamed less publicly into some of my friends’ worlds. How are you affected by these final…

  • “A Whole New Mind”…there IS a future for the right brain!

    I am excited because I was recommended a new book that I want to share with all who are creative, innovative, and imaginative. The book is called “A Whole New Mind” ..Why Right-Brainers will rule the future.. by Daniel H. Pink. (I was thrilled to find the author on twitter – @danielpink- and equally thrilled…