Tag: First Impressions Theatre

  • “On a First Name Basis”

    Take an upper echelon, self absorbed (until today) writer, and his clever, under appreciated housekeeper and throw in some expensive bottles of booze. The result? A wonky waltz of intellectual and emotional discovery. When writer, David, insists on them using first names and crossing boundaries, the awkward fun begins. Especially as he didn’t even know…

  • Always … Patsy Cline

    I went to the opening night of “Always…Patsy Cline” because I knew my friend had a good role in the show and I enjoy supporting the company First Impressions Theatre as they’re pretty special people. As the lights dimmed, I leaned over to my friend and whispered, “I hate country music”. He whispered back, “You’re…

  • RED….

    Red.. the name of the play I saw a few days ago. Red… the colour of love, of anger, of strawberries, of blood, of carnations, of rosy cheeks, of cooked lobster, of cheeky lipstick, of eyes that have cried too much. The list goes on. Red. Red by John Logan, produced by First Impressions Theatre…

  • The 2010 Vancouver Olympics inspired an unexpected feeling…

    The Olympics are over, and there is a quieter feeling in Vancouver. The red hockey shirts, hats, mitts, scarves, weird hats, costumes, shoes, maple leaves, and flags have retired to closets. The spontaneous “woohoos!” have abated. And, I admit, I miss those crazy connections with strangers, and the upbeat energy. Something emotional and spirited took…

  • As We Like It…. hopefully, “As YOU Like It”…

    I have been busy in the last few weeks juggling fall preparations with rehearsals for Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” directed by Neil Freeman for First Impressions Theatre at the Deep Cove Shaw Theatre in Deep Cove, British Columbia. I’ve been mini-blogging with twitter but have neglected my homey blog and I’ve missed this place!!…