Category: Filmmaking

  • Québec…My Country, Mon Pays

    My plans to write about the film “Québec, My Country, Mon Pays” today became  heightened after the past weekend’s tragedy at a Québec City mosque. My heart goes out to the people who were practicing a peaceful prayer, their families, and the community, that includes us. I lived in Québec City. J’ai vecu a Québec.…

  • Demain… Tomorrow… There will be one…

    Hope. Commitment. Change. Health. Care. Movement. Not waiting for someone else to solve the problem. That’s what we need. What the whole world needs. Especially, right now when there seems to be small groups of people making decisions that put millions at jeopardy, world wide. The film “Demain” (Tomorrow) is an elixir, a well needed…

  • French Films in.. Vancouver? Yup!

    Parlez-vous le Francais? Speak French? No? Doesn’t matter!! Here in our own Vancouver, we are lucky to have French films being brought in by  Visions Ouest Productions, Régis Painchaud and Lorraine Fortin, for the 23rd Rendez-Vous French Film Festival. Around 50 films (including shorts) from Québec and around the world will be presented, most with…

  • A bridge back to the arts…

    The last few posts have been distinctly more political and heated. I had felt a strong need to write about something that impassioned me. The state of a group of seniors’ situation in a place in which I’m deeply familiar. That story hasn’t ended. And, I will keep a strong eye on it until it…

  • French Cinema in … Vancouver!

    Yes.. you read correctly. In fact, it is Visions Ouest’s 20th anniversary of producing Les Rendez-vous du Cinéma Québécois et Francophone de Vancouver (RendezVous French Film Festival). It has been a pioneering journey to arrive at this point.  Founder Régis Painchaud started by showing two French films in the beginning. Now? Over 50 productions from…

  • Dialect Coaching: recommendations for actors & filmmakers…

    A few weeks ago I asked a question on twitter regarding challenges you encounter surrounding your work and what a good situation would be.  I had some interesting answers but one in particular was impassioned. Pamela Vanderway is a dialect coach and obviously has great avidity for her chosen work. I asked her if I…